Thursday 19 January 2017

20th January 2017 – New Term Update

After welcoming back the majority of the children at the start of this week, we have been able to dive fully into the new content for the spring term.

In maths this week, we have worked on developing our understanding of place value in relation to decimals.  We have compared decimals to fractions, multiplied decimals numbers by 10 and 100 and have started to complete addition problems using decimal numbers. Below is a picture of the children completing a game in which a hundred square grid represented numbers between 0.1 and 10. This allowed them to develop their conceptual understanding of the place value of each decimal number.

Our first topic for the new year is a science topic of teeth and healthy eating. We have looked at our own teeth and explored our initial ideas about why we have different types of teeth. Moving on, we have learnt the various parts of a tooth and can produce a diagram to label those parts. We have also learnt the names and purposes of each tooth in our mouth.

 English lessons this week have been based around the text of ‘Henry’s freedom box’, with a view to creating a chronological report about the man’s life story.  You can follow the link below to listen to a reading of the story. We created short improvised drama pieces in order to focus on the dialogue, which the children later wrote up following the rules for writing speech that we looked at in the previous term.

Two of the children representing Henry and the slave master in a speaking and listening activity.

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