Thursday 2 February 2017

January Class Update

English: We have continued our work on chronological reports this week, moving on to produce newspaper articles. We read extracts from a biography of the life of Rosa Parks and then studied the features of a newspaper article. The class produced articles which gave an accurate portrayal of the story that made Rosa Parks famous and were able to do so by including all of the features of the text type.

Maths: We have developed our work on decimals to include some work with numbers which contain numbers to two decimal places. We applied our increasingly strong understanding of place value in order to multiply larger four digit numbers by single digit numbers.

Topic: We have studied the teeth of various animals and have sorted them according to the types of food they eat. We have compared herbivores, omnivores and carnivores. We have also learnt that humans have two sets of teeth during their lifetime and the implications this has from when we grow our adult teeth.

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